
Doing installation for blood gas analyser in smart hospital.


Installing LIAISON platform for shahid dr. Rafiq consultant clinic in Sulaimaniyah on 24.Feb.2021.

The LIAISON analyser designed for immunoassay chemiluminescence technology with possibility to run up 15 different assays at a time and 120 sample positions with random access.

Installing H9 Hemoglobin analyzer HPLC on 07.March.2021 at Shahid Hadi Consultant Clinic in Sulaimaniyah.

H9 hemoglobin analyzer is a fully automated system composed of Ion-exchange chromatography testing system and sampling system. It could be connected to LIS/HIS to transfer data. H9 Analyzer adopts High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to measuring the content of Hemoglobin in human blood.

Installing H8 Hemoglobin analyzer HPLC on 02.March.2021 at Alikamal Consultant Clinic in Sulaimaniyah.

H8 hemoglobin analyzer(HPLC) uses ion exchange high performance liquid chromatography for quantitative determination of the content of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ,fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and HbA2 in human whole blood. After glycated hemoglobin in samples elutes from the chromatography column, the analyzer can provide the results of HbA1c (%, NGSP) and HbA1c (mmol/mol, IFCC). Meanwhile, the chromatogram can display HbA1a, HbA1b, HbF, LA1c, SA1c (HbA1c),P3,P4, A0 ,A2,E,D,S,C and other components, and the estimated average blood glucose can be calculated by the conversion equation provided in ADA, EASD and IDF